We are an international and multidisciplinary network of researchers working with GAMing and LITeracies. Our goal is to promote high-quality research through open discussion, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and the dissemination of the work of the members.
Research perspectives include:
Using, designing and analysing games in order to develop literacies at school
- Learning language through games – both inside and outside school contexts
- Understanding the multimodal literacies of video games and gaming practices
- Describing the ecology of paratexts around games – e.g. game journalism or fan fiction
- Mapping the language and dialogue involved in gaming
- Defining the characteristics of game literacy
- Encouraging inclusion of students through game-related literacy practices
- Studying relations between games, literacy and 21st century skills
- Developing new methodologies for studying games and literacy
The main activities of GAMLIT involve meeting together at internationally oriented conferences, seminars and workshops; sharing research through our Google Group, and creating opportunities for publishing.
If you are a researcher working with games and literacies and wish to be part of the research network, please contact the network coordinators.